My Studio is my refuge...
I start my day checking in with my team.
Our connection and the feeling in the Studio sets a tone that defines CW and that has always been important to me; it's positive and it's energizing.
It is important to me that those of you who wear my jewelry feel this energy...this connection and the love that goes into each piece. Important that my people are happy.
Important too, that clients know we have always and only used the best and most sustainable materials.
There's an energy but also a calm in the Studio that I can access when the work starts and, on only the best days, it flows.
My family is my heart...
I met my husband when I was at UCLA and together we have raised 3 wonderful children.
Ups and downs and every which way, we've seen it and are stronger for doing it together, all of us.
There's no place on earth I'd rather be than in the center of the storm...cooking, celebrating, travelling, playing games, and most often, laughing together.

My garden constantly surprises me...
I didn't grow up with a garden and was always a little in awe of those who did. I was also a little scared of it.
I could pretty well take care of myself and my family, but a garden?
Plants that relied on me to thrive? It took awhile but I think I have a pretty good handle on it.
A friend gave me a rose garden for one of my birthdays and I am grateful every time I walk the garden and see the gorgeous David Austin roses I planted...mostly apricot and peachy pinks and some Julia Child golden roses as well, but the scent is what kills me.
A dear friend shares her Karl Lagerfeld roses generously, since I am incapable of mothering those.
We have fruit trees and vegetables and I feel like a new mother nurturing each new seed planting...lucky me.
I get up in the morning hoping...
to see something I've never seen before.
I've learned to keep my eyes open and also to see things that aren't really there. The first time I remember this happening was as a teenager out to dinner with my family when a woman walked into the restaurant wearing the most amazing coat I'd ever seen, such incredible shape and details...
I wanted that coat and at that time I really wanted very little except a good tan. When she walked by our table on the way to hers and I saw the coat up close it was not at all what I had seen...I had imagined it.
It happens in nature and in my studio when the work starts to happen.
This photo was taken on the Isle of Skye, the most prehistoric
place I've ever been.
Lots of wild energy there.

I am happiest in nature...
whether in my gardens or out there in the wild.
I'm fortunate to live near forests and oceans and the ocean is my happy place, any ocean.
My dad taught me to swim at Will Rogers Beach in Santa Monica, stroking out against the waves until we could freely swim back and forth, parallel to the shore, waving at my Mom and sister.
It seemed like we swam forever making a game of ducking under the waves, the ferocity at once frightening and inviting.
The endlessness of the sea captured my imagination and the shells deposited on the shore could be from just about anywhere...
I sleep with windows wide open to hear and smell the sea as I dream.
I love my kitchen...
and built it to be the center of the house.
I love to cook, to gift the people I love with deliciousness.
I became a vegetarian as soon as I left home for college. Truthfully, I never liked meat and snuck it to the dog under the table and, in order to keep my family happy, I learned how to really cook.
I started with Julia Child and have been personalizing recipes for 30 years. Farmers markets are my source of incredible organic seasonal produce and my relationships with the farmers are important to me.
The love and energy they put into growing a gorgeous persimmon or little gem lettuce is translated through my hands to the food on our table.
It is most often not a planned meal but with lots of ingredients around me, the food just seems to flow...much like the flow when I'm designing jewelry. The best memories aren't of holidays or birthday celebrations but the hours leading up to the party, cooking with my kids, laughing in the kitchen and making food to nourish the people we love.

I live to travel...
I traveled often as a girl with my family, lots of road trips and national parks, a tour of Europe at 13, just the right moment to light an unquenchable spark. My husband and I traveled every summer while we were in school, always returning to Paris and/or Rome and making sure to venture to places we'd never seen before, looking for stories we'd never heard.
In this photo, we're in the Palais Royal in Paris, laughing about when we'd take our kids to Paris and have a short morning in a museum and then an afternoon in a park.
Here, they particularly loved the fountain and horrified the local children by climbing in and soaking themselves and splashing each other.
I studied history at UCLA...
and what I didn't realize at the time was: I loved the stories.
Like the fairy tales my parents read to me, the stories are fascinating and food for my imagination.
It's the same today, I'm influenced by the stories of the ancient Sumerians and the Egyptians and the early Byzantines.
By the tales of King Arthur and the fairies in the Northern Isles that I'm fairly certain you can see in my jewelry.